
Showing posts from February, 2007

A Smoke Free campus is a bad idea (Opinions)

My opinion requires a small preface. I am not a smoker. I don't smoke sometimes, I don't smoke when I drink and I pretty much don't smoke anything. However, most of my friends are smokers and I don't have any problems with smokers in general. But for some reason a lot of whiny people getting their panties in a knot about having to deal with minuscule amounts of cigarette smoke in the open air. It's a generally accepted fact that cigarette smoke and more specifically carbon monoxide, can give you cancer later down the road. It isn't a guaranteed thing though.

Initiative in place to better represent CU's Beckley area students (Front page)

The Beckley Center. A mysterious entity that not too many Concord students are familiar with until they actually have to take a class there for some unexplainable reason. To the common Concord student, there is little need to worry about this place in Beckley since it has little impact on Athens students. However, President of the SGA Sean Noland believes otherwise. Now that it is later in the semester, President Noland says, “now that Higher Ed Day is over, the Beckley center is my primary focus.” But what exactly does President Noland have in mind for the Beckley Center? Well, for one he wants to see “better representation for them” here in Athens from business decisions to even in the SGA.

Condom vending machines being purchased for students (News)

Have you ever had on of those emergencies where there is a sudden need for a condom? Let's face the facts, at one point or another many students have had a need of a condom but they either can't snag one from a buddy or the availability is zero. Well fear no more! This week Jessica Cook, SGA Ombudsman, is ordering two condom dispensers available on campus during most hours of the day. However, these wonderful contraptions will be placed only in the Student Center restrooms; one in a Ladies and one in a Gentlemen's. The condoms will cost fifty cents each and availability will be whenever the Student Center is open. The condom dispensers should be appearing sometime within the next month or so and will be ready for use probably by the time their presence is noticed.

Book financial aid has potential(Opinoins)

If you're anything like me, you almost always have a little monetary trouble picking up all those expensive books at the beginning of every semester. This is largely because of the cost of books in the bookstore, but if you're also anything like me that's the fastest, most convenient way to get books. Sometimes ordering books online just isn't fast enough when you need the books now. Well, fear no longer about having problems getting those books. There's an initiative trying to be pushed through by a few individuals that will bring this dream to fruition. It's been in the works for a little while and all the kinks are trying to be worked out.