Magician Mike Super captivates CU students (Arts & Entertainment)

Magician Mike Super will be returning to Concord on Thursday, January 25th at 9pm on the Subway stage. Talented and versatile, Mike Super has been creating the impossible on numerous college campuses across the country. Becoming extremely popular, college students voted for him for various awards. In 2003 he won Entertainer of the Year among other national awards from APCA, NACA, and Campus activities magazine.

Mike's stage presence transcends the “trick” and connects to the audience on a personal level. Concord helped “discover” Mike and this show will be his 5th performance on Concord's campus. Many of his illusions involve audience members, including levitating someone from the audience. Mike's show is simply one of the best stage magic shows you'll ever see.

Mike has been honing his magical talent since the age of six. It's not only his profession these days, it's an obsession with him. He belongs to such prestigious organizations as the International Brotherhood of Magicians and the Society of American Magicians. He's entertained thousands of people and has duly earned the awards he has won.

Students who have been here long enough to remember Mike's last appearance on campus were astounded and simply can't find any other words for his performance. Buck Skeen says this about his last show, “Dude does voodoo. I couldn't believe my eyes.”

I was also around during his last performance and of all the things I've seen on TV and movies, his was the most amazing. He did things with random audience members that traditional stage magicians and illusionists have to use an assistant for. You won't see David Copperfield, Pen & Teller, or Siegfreid & Royd doing these kinds of things with a random audience member.

However, those who haven't seen him doubt his magically ablities. One student said, “I plan to attend the show only because I am very skeptical of the claims he's made.”

For more information on Mike Super you can go to his website or Google “magician Mike Super” for reviews of his shows at various campuses and venues.

If you have nothing to do or even if you have something to do, going to Mike's show will beat it hands down. Come and find out why he's won so many awards. Thursday, 9pm, Subway. Got it? Good. See you there.

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